Are your items authentic?

Yes, all items are 100% authentic. We take authentication extremely seriously and is our number 1 priority within the company.



Can you return an item after purchasing it?

We understand that occasionally you may need to return an item and our aim is to make this process as simple as possible for you.

To make the return simple for us to process please fill out the returns form in your parcel.

Refunds must be returned within 30 days of receiving the item.

Returned products must be in the same condition as sent out, unworn and with all tags still attached & in original the packaging.

Return postage is at the buyers cost & responsibility until it has arrived safely with us.

We highly recommend returning your items using a tracked & signed for service to ensure they arrive with us & prevent being lost by the chosen postal service.

For hygiene purposes, no refunds or exchanges will be given for products that have perfume, makeup, body odours or cigarette smoke on.

Do you offer exchanges? 

Unfortunately, we don't, You are more than welcome to return the item for a refund.

Can I cancel my order?

Unfortunately, once an order has been placed on our system we are unable to cancel this but don't worry you are more than welcome to return any unwanted items to us, using our normal returns procedure.

Can I change my address?

Unfortunately, once an order has been placed on our system, we’re unable to amend your shipping address.

However, upon your order being dispatched from our HQ, you will be able to contact the courier to arrange delivery to an alternative address e.g. a neighbour. 

I've missed my delivery, can I get this redirected? 

If you won’t be in at the time of your delivery, then please don’t worry!

You will be able to contact the courier directly to re-arrange this or to organise for
your parcel to be delivered to an alternative address.



What is the condition of each items?

The condition of each item is stated on the product page.

Are your items boxed?

As we buy our stock in bulk, we cannot guarantee that items will always come with all their original packaging. All the information on each item is in the description.